2011年12月18日下午13:00,人大附中中外合作办学项目(ICC)四名学生在谢萍老师的带领下应邀参加由美国国务院发起、美国驻华使馆Education USA中国 筹备、中美联合实施的“十万强计划”的宣传活动。该活动安排在北京市鼓楼东大街小经厂胡同65号的“Project朋友”,旨在体现美国的EDUCATION FOR ALL 的理念和促进中美人民的交流。
当天到场的嘉宾有美国Hip hop流行天团Black Eyed Peas的灵魂人物Will.i.am,美国驻华公使王晓岷先生,以及民族大学、海淀业余体校、北京联合大学特教学院的师生。活动由VOA主持人Jessica Beinecke主持,王晓岷先生向来宾隆重介绍此次活动的主角Will.i.am。活动中的四个节目个个精彩绝伦,武术、舞蹈、马头琴、小合唱,均蕴含着浓郁的中国特色。最令人印象深刻的是北京联大特教学院大一的聋哑姑娘们带来的舞蹈,其中领舞女孩徐程程以其动人到位的面部表情赢得了所有人的赞叹,Will.i.am在活动后说,他从来没见过以这种震撼人心的方式跳舞的人,并由衷地向她表达了赞美之情;由联大特教学院大二音乐表演专业的三个盲人男生大家奉上的《飞得更高》令人振奋与感动,他们向世界证明,残疾人也可以做到普通人能做到的事,也有权利受到最好的教育,而这正好切合了Education for all的理念——每个人在教育面前都是平等的。我校学生代表看完演出后感触颇深,在惊叹之余进一步理解了“平民教育”的意义与理念。
在接下来的互动环节中,Will.i.am为大家讲述了他受教育的经历以及Black Eyed Peas的组建历程,并邀请来宾也讲讲自己的故事。我校ICC高三的孟宸极同学以其流利地道的英语和曲折生动的经历赢得了全场的掌声。
本次活动是为了推动Education for all而举办的一次促进中美两国人民之间的交流的宣传活动,主办方意在借用演艺名流的明星效应使更多的目光聚焦在项目上,从而促进中美两国留学项目的发展。参加本次活动的ICC 师生感触良多,这次经历开阔了同学们的国际视野,使同学们明确了对这一项目的看法和态度,并进一步了解了国际教育的重要性与意义。此外,学生也在受残疾学生表演所带来的心灵上的震撼之余,认识到如何在完善自我、走向国际的同时真正为帮助他们做一些力所能及的事情的重要性。
Four students from ICC of RDFZ, led by Cathy Xie, went to an activity publicizing for the ‘100,000 Strong Initiative’ at 13:00 on December 18th, 2011 at the invitation of the U.S. Embassy in China. The place was located in ‘Project PengYou’ which is in No.65 Xiaojingchang Hutong, Eastern Gulou Road and the purpose of this activity is to show the idea of Education For All Program of the U.S. and to accelerate the communication between American and Chinese people.
Before starting, the students in our school met the envoy of USA---Bob Wang and had a conversation with him on education abroad. Mr. Wang praised us highly after talking.
There were more guests besides Bob Wang. Will.i.am, the leader of the superb Hip hop singing group Black Eyed Peas, was there too. What’s more, there were some students and teachers from the Nation University, the amateur sports school of Haidian District and the Handicap department of Beijing Union University.
Jessica Beinecke, who’s the hostess of VOA, made a short welcoming speech as soon as the activity started. Then Mr. Wang introduced our central figure ----Will.i.am to the guests.
The well prepared performances from Chinese students started accompanied by the enthusiastic applause of the audience. All of these four programs were quite fascinating and had a strong character of Chinese culture, including kungfu, classical dancing, Matouqin and chorus-singing. The most impressive one was the dancing by the deaf girls from Beijing Union University. The leading dancer Xu Chengcheng impressed others a lot by her vivid facial expression and her appreciation to life and destiny showed upon her face while dancing. Will.i.am said, after the activity, that he had never seen anyone danced like this and these girls are really unique and incredible. The trio singing ‘Fly higher’ by the three blind boys from the music performing faculty of Beijing Union University is also very moving and positive. They proved to the world that handicapped people can also do things that we normal ones can do and they have the same right as we do to get the best education. This is exactly what Education For All want to express----Everyone is equal in education. Our students were shocked by the magnificent performances after watching and we understood the attitude and ideas of Education For All a step further.
In the following part of time, Will.i.am told us about his experiences of getting educated and the steps of setting up Black Eyed Peas, including how he knew his best friend. Then he invited the students to tell their stories. Chris Meng from Senior 3 of ICC,RDFZ gained people’s highly praise by his fluent English and the vivid & dramatic story.
This activity is mainly a publicizing media to popularize Education For All in order to speed up the communication between China and the U.S. . The organizers meant to attract more sights towards this project by inviting influential famous figures and the purpose is to accelerate the abroad studying between the two countries. Students in ICC came up with lots of thoughts after taking part in this activity and it has broaden our minds of our international view. What’s more, we figured out the main ideas of the project and the importance of international education. Last but not least, we realized that we should do something for people in need while perfecting ourselves and walking into the door of international.
背景介绍:“十万强计划”(100,000 Strong Initiative),由美国政府发起,资金主要来源于企业、民间机构以及慈善家,该计划由奥巴马政府积极推动,预计在未来四年内招揽10万名美国学生到中国留学,将派往中国的留学生人数加倍,以加深美中交流。
美国驻华使馆的Education USA为宣传“十万强计划”在该活动前一天(12月17日)晚上举办了由Will.i.am领衔加盟的名为“不亦乐乎”的公益演唱会,目的在于扩大中美两国顶尖艺术家的影响力,使更多人来关注东西方合作与交流的必要性和巨大潜力。
‘100,000 Strong Initiative’ is a program started by the U.S. government and the fund is mainly from businesses, voluntary organizations and philanthropists. The plan was strongly recommended by the U.S. government led by Obama and it’s planned to have 100000 American students sent abroad to study in China within four years in order to improve the communication between the two countries.
To publicize the ‘100000 strong initiative’, Education USA of the U.S. Embassy held a concert called ‘Booey Lehoo’ which was mainly performed by Will.i.am the day before (December 17th). It’s expected to magnify the effects on the top artists of China & America in order to make more people notice the importance and the great potential of the co-operation between east and west.